Distinctions between Personal and Proxy agency.

Distinctions between Personal and Proxy agency.

Distinctions between Personal and Proxy agency.Distinctions between Personal and Proxy agency.

Answer your chosen question with objective support and excellent references, cited APA style.

Discussion Questions (Select one):

  1. A. Bandura makes the distinction between Personal (individual), Collective, and Proxy agency. Describe (with examples) how these three types correlate with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  2. Is the integration of personality into highly functional modes of being necessarily predicated on having a “spiritual life”?
  3. How does reasoned judgment (A. Ellis: rational modes of thinking) and agentic self-sufficiency contribute to a stable personality?
  4. Are the being-dimensions “feminine” and “masculine” innate or learned? What are the advantages and the disadvantages of thinking of “personality” as being defined in terms of gender?

Distinctions between Personal and Proxy agency.

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