NURS 6531 what is the most common cancer found in the auricle?

NURS 6531 what is the most common cancer found in the auricle?

NURS 6531 what is the most common cancer found in the auricle?

NURS 6531 Exam – Week 6 MidtermNURS 6531 what is the most common cancer found in the auricle?

  1. Question: When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity? NURS 6531 Exam
  2. Question: The most common cancer found on the auricle is:
  3. Question: Which of the following medication classes should … avoided in patients with acute or chronic bronchitis because it will contribute to ventilation-perfusion mismatch in the patient?
  4. Question: A 47 year old male patient presents to the clinic with a single episode of a moderate amount of bright red rectal bleeding. On examination, external hemorrhoids are noted. How should the nurse practitioner proceed?
  5. Question: Which of the following patient characteristics are … with chronic bronchitis?
  6. Question: A 65-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and polymyalgia rheumatica presents to urgent care with new onset left lower quadrant pain. Her current medications include omeprazole 20 milligrams po daily, lisinopril 20 milligrams po daily, simvastatin 20 milligrams po daily, and prednisone 12 milligrams po daily. The nurse practitioner suspects acute diverticulitis and possibly an abscess. The most appropriate diagnostic test for this patient at this time is:
  7. Question: A patient reports “something flew in my eye” about an hour ago while he was splitting logs. If there were a foreign body in his eye, the nurse practitioner would expect to find all except:
  8. Question: A 21 year old college student presents to the student health center with copious, markedly purulent discharge from her left eye. The nurse practitioner student should suspect:
  9. Question:A 35 year old man presents with radicular pain followed by the appearance of grouped vesicles consisting of about 15 lesions across 3 different thoracic dermatomes. He complains of pain, burning, and itching. The nurse practitioner should suspect:
  10. Question: Which type of lung cancer has the poorest prognosis?
  11. Question: An 83-year-old female presents to the office complaining of diarrhea for several days. She explains she has even … fecal incontinence one time. She describes loose stools 3–4 times a day for several weeks and denies fever, chills, pain, recent antibiotic use. The history suggests that the patient has:
  12. Question: Margaret, age 32, comes into the office with painful joints and a distinctive rash in a butterfly distribution on her face. The rash has red papules and plaques with a fine scale. What do you suspect?
  13. Question: Antibiotic administration has been … to … of little benefit to the treatment of which of the following disease processes?
  14. Question: Lisa, age 49, has daily symptoms of asthma. She uses her inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonist daily. Her exacerbations affect her activities and they occur at least twice weekly and may last for days. She is affected more than once weekly during the night with an exacerbation. Which category of asthma severity is Lisa in?
  15. Question: Which of the following is the most appropriate therapeutic regimen for an adult patient with no known allergies diagnosed with group A B-hemolytic strep?
  16. Question: A cashier complains of dull ache and pressure sensation in her lower legs. It is relieved by leg elevation. She occasionally has edema in her lower legs at the end of the day. What is the most likely cause of these problems?
  17. Question: Which statement below is correct about pertussis?
  18. Question: Which of the following is the most important diagnosis to rule out in the adult patient with acute bronchitis?
  19. Question: A 70 year old patient presents with left lower quadrant (LLQ) abdominal pain, a markedly tender palpable abdominal wall, fever, and leukocytosis. Of the following terms, which correctly describes the … condition?
  20. Question: Sylvia, age 83, presents with a 3 day history of pain and burning in the left forehead. This morning she … a rash with erythematous papules in that site. What do you suspect?

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