Single-system (subject) evaluation for your work with Paula Cortez

 Single-system (subject) evaluation for your work with Paula Cortez

 Single-system (subject) evaluation for your work with Paula Cortez

Submit a 5- to 7-page proposal/research plan for single-system (subject) evaluation for your work with Paula Cortez. Identify the problems that you will target and the outcomes you will measure, select an appropriate intervention or interventions (including length of time), and identify an appropriate evaluation plan.

Include a description of:

The problem(s) that are the focus of treatment
The intervention approach, including length of time, so that it can be replicated
A summary of the literature that you reviewed that led you to select this intervention approach
The purpose for conducting a single-system (subject) research evaluation
The measures for evaluating the outcomes and observing change including:
Evidence from your literature search about the nature of the measures
The validity and reliability of the measures
How baseline measures will be obtained
How often follow-up measures will be administered
The criteria that you would use to determine whether the intervention is effective
How the periodic measurements could assist you in your ongoing work with Paula


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